A Commotion in the Ocean!!!
Here's my favorite!! Dramatic play...YELLOW SUBMARINE! This sub was formerly my igloo during my penguin unit, I just laid it down and cut holes in the side for windows and a hole for the periscope and this is what I got! Nothing like a little recycling!! I covered it in yellow butcher paper...and yes, the entire time I was singing "We all live in a yellow submarine....". For the windows I cut the holes and hot glued clear plastic plates for the glass inside the circle. For the periscope I recycled some paper towel and tissue paper rolls, hot glued them together and painted it black. Since this had to last two weeks there was one repair to the telescope, not too bad though, since 23 kiddos were playing with it! On the floor I have a vinyl tablecloth and some ocean animals that I purchased at Dollar Tree and on the wall I have some ocean life posters from an old calendar that I have laminated and hot glued to the wall. I also had some life jackets inside the sub in case they went outside the sub to "swim " with the animals.
Math and Literacy Centers
measurement |
I decided to show some of what we do during our math and literacy center time. For this theme I pulled from 4 different units that I purchased from Teachers Pay Teachers. At the bottom of this post you will see which ones were utilized. They all had great activities that were hands on, meaningful and engaging!
pattern blocks |
roll and cover :addition |
My handy/quiet dice cups! Simply shake the cup and add the dice! |
tally marks |
count the room (write the room) |
Magic sight word!! |
The math centers were a hit! They loved using the pattern blocks, unifix cubes, dice cups and clip boards for Count the Room. Doing math this way is so much more fulfilling for these kids than sitting down and doing boring pencil/paper tasks. Yes, they have to record their work for accountability sake, but it's not daunting or redundant. They are manipulating math tools and moving around the room! For Magic Sight Word you print a color sheet of your current theme. Before you give it to them use a white crayon and write sight words on their paper. Give them watercolors and as they paint the sight words "magically" reveal themselves!! This is a fun one because you can hear them telling their friends "I found THE"!! and "I found HERE!!" They are learning and reading and they aren't even aware of it...sneaky, eh!! It's ok to learn AND have fun!!!
Ok, so I told you earlier that I would share the units that I used for these 2 weeks. I did several other math and literacy games from these units that I did not take pictures of. I love all of these and would certainly suggest you try them out for yourself!!

The authors of these units are Kim Adsit, Deedee Wills, Christy Donnely and Greg Smedley-Warren.
Thank you for stopping by and I will posting again soon with a special guest teacher!! My student teacher is beginning her to week STEM unit tomorrow and I am excited to see what she comes up with and share all of her awesome ideas!!!!